The Relationship Ministry connects members of Antioch Baptist Church with one another and with the wider community through fellowship and services
Relationship Ministry
Birth Month Ministry
The Birth Month Ministry provides small group fellowship where members can find a place to connect, belong, grow and serve at Antioch.
Members of the same birth month gather to celebrate their birth month. They join each other for a variety of activities focused on inreach, outreach, and fellowship. They gather for social connection, support and service. For their respective month they serve and support other ministries within and efforts outside of the church. They end the month with a celebration of fun and fellowship with the church family.
Monthly celebrations occur immediately after worship on the 4th Sunday of each month.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Sis. Rochelle Beard, Ministry Leader.
Bowling Ministry
The Antioch Bowling Ministry is a Christian-based bowling league that not only followed Christian values and beliefs but also competitive bowling.
The Bowling Ministry meets weekly with three-person teams (of any mix of males and females) at Roseland Lanes in Oakwood Village. The teams bowl three games, and it is non-sanctioned.
The Bowling Ministry meets on Monday evenings at 6:50 p.m..
For more information, contact Sis. Patricia Stinson, Ministry Leader.
C.A.R.E. Ministry
The C.A.R.E. Ministry provides Compassion, Assistance, Relationship, and Encouragement for church members. The Ministry is entrusted with providing short-term relief for the constant caregiver attending to the care for homebound infirmed. In addition, the C.A.R.E. Ministry arranges visitations to hospitals, nursing homes, and places of hospice care, offering spiritual uplifting and companionship.
The C.AR.E. Ministry also supports families of bereaved members through presence at homegoing services.
To learn more about the C.A.R.E. Ministry, contact Sis. Wilhelmenia Jackson, Ministry Leader.
Family Life
The mission of the Family Life Ministry is to facilitate activities that bring the church together through fellowship through various fun programs and events throughout the year.
Family Life Ministry programs include movie theatre outings, couples date nights, game nights, one-tank-trip destinations, and more.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Sis. Sonya Kimball, Ministry Leader
Crochet/Knitting Fellowship
The Crochet & Knitting Ministry is a small group fellowship designed to bring together members of the church to have fun and minister to each other through the art of crochet and knitting. The Ministry works together to present blankets to those who are sick and shut-in every year.
The Ministry also finds creative ways to participate in local and global relief efforts, donating granny square blankets to refugees for example, or face towels at the beginning of the pandemic.
The Fellowship meets every fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Dr. Edna Connally or Sis. Jarmella Armwood, Co-Ministry Leaders.
In accordance with Hebrews 13:2, our Greeters always welcome all who enter God’s house with a smile and genuine warmth, believing that those who enter may be angels unbeknown to us.
Greeters are stationed every Sunday at all three doors that enter the Sanctuary from 10:30 a.m. -11:15 a.m. and for 10-15 minutes after worship service. Each Greeter serves one Sunday a month. Our responsibility is to make those who enter our church doors feel welcomed, comfortable, and treated hospitably. And when they leave, thank them for worshiping with us and let them know we would love for them to return. We are also occasionally asked to greet at special worship wervices.
To learn how to become a member of this wonderful Ministry, please contact acting Ministry Leader, Marie LaRochelle.
Men’s Ministries
The mission of Men’s Ministries is to establish and sustain an atmosphere that reflects Christian love, spiritual growth, and fellowship among males of all ages. Ministry activities include prayer and devotion, Bible study, fellowship, and programs that serve neighborhood youth, incarcerated men, and others in need.
Men’s Ministries connect Christ-centered and praying for men with one another throughout the church. It also brings together men committed to discipleship, a group of men who will journey with each other as they seek to live lives that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ–within authentic and trusting relationships.
Men’s Ministries also creates numerous opportunities to serve in the church and community, both locally and globally. Men often serve by participating in mission trips, mentoring youth, visiting the incarcerated, being involved in social activism, and supporting our seniors. -
Meetings are held Monthly on the second Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. via Zoom. Join at antio.church/men.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Dea. Willie Nichols Ministry Chair.
Senior Ministry
The Antioch Senior Adult Ministry provides meaningful programs that connect individuals over 65 and those who want information affecting the senior citizen community.
The Senior Adult Ministry coordinates special events and workshops annually, including a summer picnic and matinee theatre performances. In addition to fellowship opportunities, the Ministry participates in church-wide activities, from assisting seniors in getting to the voting polls to assembling Christmas care packages for our sick and shut-in seniors.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Deacon Dorothy Rambo or Sis. Bertha Stewart, Ministry Co-Leaders.
Health & Wellness
Through a holistic approach, the Health and Wellness ministry strives to provide opportunities that educate, encourage and enable everyone to understand our roles in our health and well-being and how to glorify God in our body. By being empowered to live a healthy lifestyle, we can serve others.
The Health and Wellness Ministry also supports health initiatives to engage the community including small group ministries, vaccine clinics, the community garden, wellness workshops, and other ecumenical opportunities.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Sis. Angelia Vannoy, Ministry Leader.
Women’s Ministries
Antioch Women’s Ministries unite all women into a fellowship that helps each woman grow in devotion to Jesus Christ. All women of Antioch are members of the main body of Women’s Ministries but may become more active within small groups called Mission Circles.
Women’s Ministries has three unifying program priorities across all its programs and Mission Circles, including 1) Personal development through spiritual growth and use of spiritual gifts; 2) Building relationships by fostering church and community ministries, and 3) Becoming mission servants locally and throughout the world.
Mission Circles are small groups of ten to fifteen women who work together to grow in mission, provide many and varied learning experiences, and train and develop leaders for the main mission body and affiliate organizations’ leadership roles. Current Circles include the Vera O. Bouie Circle, Burroughs-Malekebu-Waite Circle, Florence Cochran Circle. McKinney Circle, Prewitt Circle, Sojourner Truth Circle, and the Wilson Circle.
Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM via Zoom. Meeting ID: 878 6223 8682, Passcode: mission.
Mission Circles meet at varying days and times throughout the month.
Vera O. Bouie Circle - Meets 3rd Monday @ 6:30 PMBurroughs-Malekebu-Waite Circle - Meets 3rd Sunday @ 1:00 PM
Florence Cochran Circle - Meets 3rd Friday @ 7:00 PM
McKinney Circle - Meets 3rd Monday @ 1:00 PM
Sojourner Truth Circle - Meets 4th Sunday @ 4:00 PM
Wilson Circle - Meets 2nd Monday @ 1:00 PM
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Deacon Sandra Fain, Ministry Leader.
Silver Leaf
The Silver Leaf Ministry is a group of dedicated Godly women with a heart to serve the community and Antioch Baptist Church. Now in its 93rd year, the Silver Leaf Ministry supports church members and other church ministries, including a youth scholarship fund, donations of supplies to local schools, and support of the Angel Tree Project.
The Silver Leaf Ministry also hosts an annual luncheon where they a guest of honor and guest speaker. Deaconess Delores Momon and Deaconess Renee Mack currently serve as co-leaders. Other members of the Ministry include Sis. Elaine Banks, Sis. Linda Bryant, Deaconess Tommie Bryant, Sis. Thomasine Clark, Sis. Johnnie Davis, Sis. Karen Dunbar, Deaconess Elizabeth Gooden, Sis. Willa Hatter, Sis. Gloria Ruff-Hayes, Deacon Jacquelyn Jefferson, Sis. LaJean Ray-McNair, Sis. Mary McPherson, Deaconess Curtiss Moon, Sis. Brenda Perkins, Deaconess Ruth Stewart, and Sis. Doris Walter.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Deaconess Delores Momon or Deaconess Renee Mack, Co-Leaders.
Our Ushers Ministry attends to greeting and seating all guests in our Sanctuary, including worship services, funerals, revivals, and other special events. Our Ushers serve as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord, united in one love, one body, striving to do God’s work, which is our light and joy of our salvation
More details coming soon.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Bro. James Berry or Sis. Jarmella Armwood, Co-Ministry Leaders.
Women’s Golf Ministry
The Antioch Women’s Golf Ministry gathers women of all ages and abilities during the outdoor golfing season for fellowship and play.
More details coming soon.
To learn more about this ministry, please contact Sis. Deborah Kinds, Ministry Leader.